Sunday, January 10, 2010

I Am Ofiicially Brain-Fried

We meet again..

I literally do not have anything to post up..

Cause apparently, my brain is fried, pruned, it whatever you want..

It is soo bad, that I can't even remeber the day today, or what date it is..

Lucky I still remember my name..

Ehh, do I now?? =D

I feel like vomitting everything I ate for the past 24 hours..

Am beginning to have multiple shots of headaches...

Must be the constant pressure of memorizing I did for 4 hours straight this morning..

So, to avoid excessive damage to my poor brain, I am taking a break and loosening up..

Yeah, by blabbing here..and scribbling lil angel wings on my past year papers..Lame!!!!

So, yeah, tomorrow's paper is purely theoritical, which is why I am cramming my head off T^T

At to wake up early tomorrow, stuff  few buns down my throat *I am bad at eating breakfast..tend to eat breakfast+lunch=blunch maaa!!!!*, and off I go to the 'war zone'..

Roaaaarrrrr =D

Hopefully, everything would go on smoothly, I'll keep updating the whole week *If I could* in order to keep my sanity in check =D

Nyaaaa...pray for my success =D

P/S - Renewed my road tax!!! Savvy-chan is 'officially' halal on the roads again!!!..Me, happy =D



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