Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2 Touchdowns, 2 More To Go


Just woke up from the so-called nap of 10 minutes..

That got lengthy *cough*cough* to a well....ummmm  nearly 2 hours 'nap'..

Ahaaaaa..not my fault =D

I didn't get any proper rest these couple of days...

I kept waking up in the middle of the night...must be the adrenaline rush kicking in due to the exams T__T

Ok, back to the finals...

So today's paper was Intermediate Grammar...

It was pretty easy, but utterly confusing..Yes!!!

That's a problem I might say..

You see, when things go down too easy, every possible answer in the booklet seems to be the perfect answers...

Which is NOT GOOD!!!! @__@

Well, did my best tho..

So let us hope for the best..

Tomorrow's paper could be safely described as 'a breeze' *no..no..not trying to be arrogant here*...

If you could only see the notes for the paper tomorrow..

Ohh..it's the Listening and Speaking Skills paper by the way..

I only have literally 3 piece of paper...YES!!!

ONLY 3 PIECE to be read =D

With the killer paper Phonology on que the next two days, I have to slot my time like crazy for tonight..

I guess I'll get my peace when the Phonology paper is over =)

P/S -Freedom is on the way =)...Stand still qla!!!! Hoyeaaaaahhhh =D



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