Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Beauty Sleep

Oh today..I have an exciting story to tell..

Well, sort of exciting to me =D

Hussshh..don't kill the mood =)

Yesterday, after procrastinating for months and months and months and..(yeah..we got you, move with it!!) of the-so-to-called-want-to-buy-a-new-pillow, I FINALLY FINALLY bought one!!!!

Horayyyy =D

Well, the truth is, I was a cheapo!! IM SORRY for being one =D

I literally used my allowance for the pillow on dining..hahahaha..typical me =D

That's why my body's getting sideways, not taller..aiiihhhh *truth hurts*

Oh..oh..the pillow I bought was on half priced 70% discount..

From RM80+-ish to only RM19+..See!!! Good bargain right??? *Qla!!! You're a cheapskate!!*

'' My pillow is somewhat that fluffy-white type *the lady there is just for illustration purpose and to hold up the pillow =D* ''

I even NAMED my new pillow *cause I wanted too..bweekk =p* to PuPu-chan!!!!

Don't ask me why I chose that name..I woke up this morning, and the name just popped out from my brain =D..

I even bought a BLACK FROGGY!!!!

I'll post about it on the next post =D

I am truly a girl with a super young heart =D

Ohh...for your information, the Black Froggy is my FIRST plushie toy I bought for this year!!!

Yes, 2009 is almost coming to an end, and here I am buying some plushie T^T

Due to the fact I have TOO MANY plushies at home, Mom forbids me to buy anymore plushies =D

Ohh..before you cut my allowance Dad!!!, I bought the Plushie at Daiso!!!

Meaning, it's just RM5!!!! And NO, I didn't burn a hole in my wallet =D

P/S - Can't wait to have another session of night sleeping wih PuPu-chan..Hurry up and go down quickly Mr Sun =D



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