Friday, January 16, 2009


Try to listen
Try to try to silence when I try
To speak up to you..

Have you ever considered
When I need to speak my heart out?..

And when you speak
I always listen
So you would be at ease..

Who am I to u
Maybe the same as the rest
That you could do them..

And when you have no one to play with
You ran back to me
Thats what I am to you..

Try to see
Try to try to see into my eyes
When I stare still at you..

Have you ever been there
When I need to vent my inner frustration
And when you need to
I am here waiting
So that you'll feel at ease..

Im sorry Ive never thought of writing to you
Blame me
I would never ask for you to hear
Or for you to see into my eyes


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