Saturday, March 27, 2010

Excessive Bakso Is Hazardous

I'm down with a sore throat..


Last night, I had Bakso for dinner accompanied with Lime Juice..

'' Bakso @ Meatball Vermicilli  Soup ''

Because it was raining heavily, I wanted something hot and spicy..

Due to my excessive, too excessive kamikaze brain, I poured in THREE..

YES!!!! THREE!!! of the SPICY SAUCE into my Bakso..

How did my Bakso looked like in the end??

I swear I couldn't see the very bottom of it..


The food was surely damn HOT and SPICY I tell you =)

I was sweating like heck when its still rains outside..hahahaha

And now, Im down with a sore throat..

Me, and my genius antics...

Pfftt =D

So, much for being 22 =D


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