A dear person of mine, Mr A, whose become an ardent fan of paintball recently had been talking about this particular marker non-stop. So, out of curiosity, I kinda googled it, to see my new so-called 'enemy' who stole his attention >_<
And what did I find?? A total babe!! *ehh whose side am I supposed to be anyways* ^O^
And what did I find?? A total babe!! *ehh whose side am I supposed to be anyways* ^O^
With its sleek features and somewhat excellent specs, its not wonder he was thinking about it NON-STOP..Jealous wehh I tell you T___T..

''Pinokio Hopper Marker''
That's the name I would remember for the rest of the year *unless he got his hands on this babe earlier than expected*
The most important thing above all, to understand the language of paintball itself. You see, honestly, having tried this sport before once, I might say it gives one an adrenaline rush unlike any sports I've tried before. Its also a multi-tasking sport I might add. You have to think fast, move fast, try to not get shot, stay low as possible and literally cover your team mates as much as possible *not to mention carry the quite heavy marker along the way*..Long list huh???Although it seemed quite tedious to play this cool sport, I find myself attracted to it..The feeling of satisfaction of playing the sport itself, not to mention the additional victory to top it of, one might say, it's a worthwhile sport. Although, it is somewhat costly, with approximately the minimum pay per game per person, depending on how many people are playing is RM70, nobody seemed to mind..>_<
*instead, got rip-off some more..still nobody minded though* >_<
Between you and me, I also intend to get one of them..But cannot laahh..My dad would kill me if he knew he's daughter is happily playing to 'kill' people. My mom won't mind though pretty much >_<
Currently, Im learning the art of communication *in paintball la of course* with him cause Im having a bit of a problem going there. Sometimes, along the conversation, it tend to be like a duck and hen talking to each other. I am trying yahhh...So don't bug me much about it T__T''
Haiiihh...nevertheless, it's really nice seeing Mr A being excited and jovial about it..at least he's into it..I won't mind though..Just go for it..and try not to get rip off that bad..haha..*if you could that is, which is impossible I guess, looking back at your wish list* ^O^
Ohh, and as for me, I would be freelance writing more on LAN games *you know, those COD, DOTA games..never heard of it?? O___o..aiyooohh what century are you living in???? GOogoogle lah then*, paintball *be it the latest hot topic of the scene, or just terminology and rules used int the sport*, and fashion *the most dreaded topic of all..had to bear with it T___T"*
Until then, cherrio people..have a blast in whatever you do *although you'll be ripped of in the end* hahaha..at least your having fun..no biggie =D