Thursday, December 31, 2009
Let's Reminisce 2009 Shall We?
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 2:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Beauty Sleep
Oh today..I have an exciting story to tell..
Well, sort of exciting to me =D
Hussshh..don't kill the mood =)
Yesterday, after procrastinating for months and months and months and..(yeah..we got you, move with it!!) of the-so-to-called-want-to-buy-a-new-pillow, I FINALLY FINALLY bought one!!!!
Horayyyy =D
Well, the truth is, I was a cheapo!! IM SORRY for being one =D
I literally used my allowance for the pillow on dining..hahahaha..typical me =D
That's why my body's getting sideways, not taller..aiiihhhh *truth hurts*
Oh..oh..the pillow I bought was on half priced 70% discount..
From RM80+-ish to only RM19+..See!!! Good bargain right??? *Qla!!! You're a cheapskate!!*
I even NAMED my new pillow *cause I wanted too..bweekk =p* to PuPu-chan!!!!
Don't ask me why I chose that name..I woke up this morning, and the name just popped out from my brain =D..
I even bought a BLACK FROGGY!!!!
I'll post about it on the next post =D
I am truly a girl with a super young heart =D
Ohh...for your information, the Black Froggy is my FIRST plushie toy I bought for this year!!!
Yes, 2009 is almost coming to an end, and here I am buying some plushie T^T
Due to the fact I have TOO MANY plushies at home, Mom forbids me to buy anymore plushies =D
Ohh..before you cut my allowance Dad!!!, I bought the Plushie at Daiso!!!
Meaning, it's just RM5!!!! And NO, I didn't burn a hole in my wallet =D
P/S - Can't wait to have another session of night sleeping wih PuPu-chan..Hurry up and go down quickly Mr Sun =D
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: Rambles
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Lazy Bum Bum
Just came back from the Bursary to pay up my semester fees..
Bloody expensive =___=''
I can literally bathe in french fries with that sum of money..*sigh*
Ohh well, it's for education right?
So, no harm done there *suddenly, I can hear mumbles by Dad on the importance of education and how hard it is to find money these days* *sighhhhh*
No worries Mummy and Daddy!!! This ol' chap right here is gonna score some worthy A's this semester..Insyaallah =) *British accent is used here =D*
Stopped by the library to return some books..And borrowed some more..
I can't resist the smell of books..Just itching to either borrow, or buy them..*it's ok not to read them tho =D*
Yesterday, I went to an Indian friend of mine's birthday party..well, it's not a Zouk kinda style party mind you..
Just a nice, small, traditional, birthday celebration...
Thanks Devinii for inviting!!! This post is dedicated for you =D
There was Dhal, Nasi Briyani, Mutton, and the best of all, loads of POTATOES in the dishes =D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Im a pig when it comes to potatoes =D..yeah..bite me for it*
It was my first time attending this kind of celebration..
According to one of Dev's cousins *didn't get his name..sorry*, the celebration was to commemorate the step to adulthood..They believed that 21 is the riping age of a girl to a woman..
It depends on the family too..some family still practices this tradition,as some don't..
It was really nice to see other cultures aside from Malay's =D
Refreshing =)
Sorry for the lack of updates lately as my Firefox went PMS on me *I had to configure and install the latest version for it to start working again*
P/S - I'm getting fatter and heavier...I need to exercise pronto..If only I had the will to do so..Everytime I want to jog, I'll end up jogging on the bed =D
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Im soo relieved...
The reading review had been submitted...
Im also done with the Christmas crapping carol-ling for Phonology class..
Still stuck with Intermediate Grammar presentatation this evening, and maybe rehersal for the play tonight..
If you're wondering how the carol-ling went..
Well, we had fun, certainly..
The class practically laughed due to..due to.. words could describe the horror...
Well, below's the link for the video..
I do not know whether you guys could acceess it or whatsover..
Cause I practically privated my profile on Facebook..
So, if you're eager to really really see the outstanding funny crappy of Christmas version ala Tesl, then do add me at Aqilah Norain..
Don't worry, I won't bite hard =D
P/S - Is preparing for 2.30pm's Intermediate Grammar presentation...goosebumps+nervous..get a grip if it's the first presentation in your life =D *drama queen*
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bebel, Kehidupan Kampus
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Im Soooooooooooo Relieved
Wahhhh..Im soo relieved my novel review is done..
You have no idea how torturing it was to procrastinate the 8 pages of tedious summarizing of 99 chapters in a book..
Yes!!! 99 chapters into just 8 pages..
My brain is totally pruned from all the summarizing work =D
Review down...
Tomorrow afternoon, I'll be Christmas carol-ling...
For Phonology...
What??? You think for fun is it???
Marks for coursework la weii....
Yes, I'll be crapping the heck with my fellow friends in front of others to impress the lecturers..
Well, it ain't that bad...
For a fact, should be fun..
Loosen up a bit..Ceeeeehhhh..cehhhh...Lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P/S - My dad..yes my DAD..owns a bloody Facebook account..OMG!!!!!.. Freaking excited =D...Yeah..he added me looohh
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 12:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bebel, Kehidupan Kampus, Rambles
Monday, December 21, 2009
Being Nice Sometimes Doesn't Pay Much
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 5:01 PM 2 comments
Labels: Bebel, Emosi, Kehidupan Kampus, Rambles
Friday, December 18, 2009
Piles Of Work
I got a handful of jobs to do..
Come here mood!!!!! I need you!!!!
Got to start working on the piles of assignments before it crashes on me =D
Lemme see the list..
Review writing..
Musical drama..
And...scattering here and there to attend functions..
Ohh well, I guess that's just the life of me =D
Not going to trade for anything...hehe >_<
This post is LAME..sorry for wasting your time reading =)
Just felt like typing away..
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 12:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bebel, Kehidupan Kampus
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I received the bad news yesterday..
I was too stunned to even move..
I thought Mama was merely joking..
Comforting myself, I brought myself to sleep..
Last night, I dreamt of 'him'..
'He' sat beside me..
Like always..
As I pat 'him' gently, caressing 'his' head lovingly..
I awoke this morning..feeling like it was real..
Had the urge to call Dad..just felt like it..
Asking how he's doing and everything..Mama just reached KLIA the same morning..
Dad told me about 'him'..
I desperately held back my tears the whole time..swallowing..practically swallowing deep breaths while talking to Dad..
I didn't want him to worry..
Dad tried to soothe me down..I know he meant well....
Try as I may, my tears kept streaming down while I was chatting with Dad..
I tried desperately to control my voice, so it won't hear that obvious I was crying..
It hurts..very badly..I won't try to deny that..
I walked to the very edge of the corridor, so my classmates won't notice I had been crying..
The whole time during class, I kept biting my lips, until it bleeds, to keep me from crying again..
I don't know why, the pain seeps deeply through me..
Like a part of me had just died..
I'd be praying for 'his' safety..
Until then, I would always love you..
P/S - Please give me some time to grive =___=
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Happy Anniversary To Us
Im heading to One Utama today to grab some stuff Ive been meaning to buy..
No..not buying clothes or shoes..
Im partially broke to shop leisurely =D
I wonder when I'll have the chance to wear those Gladiator Wedges (I swear I wasn't in the 'correct' state of mind when I bought these..even Mr Rascal was buying shoes?? Pffftt) of mine..tee hee =D
Because I'll be driving, I'll just wear my Wedgie Sandals for today =) the way..
Happy anniversary Mr Rascal..
Ich Liebe Dich...Sarang Heyo..Love You
May our relationship blossoms for eternal..
P/S - Im praying I won't be THAT broke after coming back from One Utama..hehehehe =D
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 9:56 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Blardy Bored
I have a car..
Parked outside my apartment..
But Im soo TOO lazy to drive anywhere..
I'm seriously bored..
My brain is about to rot anytime soon (ok, that's a bit exaggerating..hahaha =D)
My mind is clot with workloads I should be worried about..
It's so freaking hot here..
I so want to roll on the toilet floor in times like these (but, it's unhygienic to do so lahhh)
Sat on the edges of my window in my room the other night..
I was SOOOOO tempted to jump down from the edge..
NO!!! I didn't fought with my partner..
NO!!! I'm not under stress or so whatever =D
Just the adrenaline rush kicking in..
It's been a while since I wall-climbed, or played hockey, or even ice skate..
The rush is accumulating thickly in my veins I guess (chewaaahh..lame excuse =p)
Aiiiyyyoooo...Im gonna die out of boredom la wehhhh T___T
Suddenly felt like having a round or two of paintball session..
Do people die from excessive adrenaline in their body, people??
Do they ??? =D
Just a thought..hehehe..
P/S - Yes, yes, I promise not to jump from the balcony or windows or see-saw myself with a knife to counter the boredom =D...
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bebel, Kehidupan Kampus, Rambles
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Yesterday's Phonology Stand-Up Comedy presentation was an utter disaster!!!!!!!!!
I feel like stabbing myself with a pocket knife there and then and pray for a truck to hit me next..
Im not trying to be dramatic or so..
Picture this..
Youre in front of a MASSIVE crowd consisting of approximately 60, 70, more or less pairs of eyes..
Ohh, and not forgetting another 3 set of eyes whose judging your every moves...
Yes, the lecturers!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And to top it off, it was raining heavily, windy, and I was literally screaming my head off delivering the jokes..
It was freaking hard because it was done in the Rotunda (well, its a some sort of open space hall in the middle of the faculty..the heart of the building if you might say)
I was nervous as heck..
And I do not know if my pronunciation or annunciation was correct...
Well, its over by then, so, no use worrying about it eh =D
The lecturer was super pissed off at the class after the whole presentation was over..
We were practically 'deep-fried' by him..
Well, couldn't blame him..
Somehow, we sort of made him ashamed in front of the other lecturers..
The presentation was 'contaminated' by some dirty jokes by irresponsible people...
For god's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!! The guy reminded us NOT to NUMEROUS times!!!!
Which part of a dumb-ass are you????
Sheeessshhh..thanks to you, the next class thinks we are 'dirty' people..
And the lecturer would probably FAIL most of us in this task...
Bravo!!! Idiot..
Well, the next 2 weeks would be a roller coaster ride for us all..
In line, news-casting, singing, and musical drama..and that alone is for Phonology..
Not forgetting the tests, the up-coming public speaking, and etc..etc..
Gotta perform better for the rest!!!..
P/S - I need to consume more junk-food to soothe the nervousness..The cow-poop odour and palm trees isn't working anymore =D
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bebel, Emosi, Kehidupan Kampus
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Go Away Misery
Im getting dragged down every minute that went by..
Almost constantly hearing couples arguing here and there..
Its taking a toll on me..
I know its non of my business..
Roommates' fighting constantly with their partner..
And classmates' too..
I hate when people fight with each other..
Somehow, it radiates waves that are very negative all around them..
All those icky black hatred..
Somehow, I just wanted them to stop..
PLEASE!!! STOP!!!!!!!!!
Everytime I overheard their conversation, I feel light headed, nauseated and the feeling of puking is too high..
I'll be running out from either my classroom, or my own room to get some fresh air..
I myself, admits, of not having a somehow perfect relationship with my partner..
Telling myself not too depend too much on people..
Somehow, a mechanism of self defense for it selfish if you want to..I don't give a damn..
Maybe one would say, ''Hey, you learn by getting hurt''..
Well, that's all in the past, and its plain bullshit..
Maybe the PREVIOUS old me would be agreeing on the statement..but not the PRESENT me..
A long time ago, someone told me, that I won't be with anyone because I'm too independent..
Well, you're wrong, I am still standing strong after numerous downfalls because I am independent..I accept my failures and go on with my life..
Unlike poor soul, whose still finding your purpose in life..
Unlike poor soul, whose always constantly running away from reality in life..
Sometimes, when I saw my own reflection, I always ask what I wanted in my life..
Completely 2 different things..
I know what I need..and I know my wants..
And right now, my list of wants is getting decreased..
I had to discard everything I DON'T NEED..
I had to..I don't want to.. But I had to..
I CAN'T afford another failure...NO MORE..
Maybe the so-called love can also wait..
Well, I can safely say that..
Love makes me tired..
I might become the on-call girlfriend..again..
Being 'summoned' only whenever needed..
Well, we'll just see what happens next..
I have too much things on my hands right now, assignments, tests, and managing the musical drama to even care about irrelevant things..
P/S - To my peeps, if you're unable to contact me, or I went missing all of a sudden, fret not, I just need some time to sort my works..I'd appreciate if you'd try to understand my decisions..Doesn't mean I am discarding you from my life, I just need some time..Thank you
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 4, 2009
My Raya Hajj
It's been a while since I last posted up anything..
Happy belated Raya Hajj everybody =D..
Hope your celebration was as hectic and fun as mine..
My celebration was a pretty jam-packed one I might add..
My flight which was supposedly depart at 9.10pm was delayed almost an hour later due to the previous flight from Macau was delayed for God-knows-what reason T^T..
Luckily beforehand, me and my sis, ok..I lied there..Me myself stuffed my tummy with a good load of food..We hang out for a couple of hours at Oldtown White Coffee, eating almost EVERYTHING on the menu...which later cost me up to RM60 (crazy, us people =D)
I reached home basically at 2am..YES!!!! 2am!!! I was soo freaking tired, had a quick hot bath and slept like a log..
Awaken on the day itself by Ayah at 5.30am..
Which means, I only had roughly 3 hours of sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was sleep deprived on Raya Haji itself..pity me...
Had to go to Nenek's house to help her with the food preparations..
So, at 6am, on a chilly morning, I was driving on the almost empty roads with my sister (whose half-asleep) beside me...
We made a pretty heap loads of food on that day...
Nasi Tomato
Mi Rebus
and a bit of Rendang...
I was too tired and preoccupied on that day, I was practically in my PJ's the whole day and NOT in my baju kurung..hahaha...
All in all, the celebration was a blast, going back home once in a while is fun =D
Can't wait for the next visit back home..toodles..
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 7:50 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 26, 2009
JB!!!! Here I Come
Woo Hoooo..
Just finished packing up my baggage..
Heading back to JB today with the last flight at 9pm..
Yeah..9pm =____=''
I 'accidentally' purchased the last flight...
Oh well,no biggie, stranded at the airport..with full of food lots.. =D
Yummie...Get the idea???
I'd be reaching airport approximately at 1.30pm...
So, I'd be literally camping there for around 7,8 hours...
Hopefully, it won't rain that much today..I hate travelling in rainy weathers...Makes me have a bad omen about it T^T...
Can't wait to meet my parents, grandma, and Suden =D
Hmmm...wondering what grandma's cooking for the Raya Haji tomorrow..
Or maybe everything???? =D
Gotta go..going to grab some breakfast before heading out with Nadia, my roommate..
My sister, Pqa, would be meeting me up around 4pm to catch the same flight..
Will update soon =D
P/S - Alhamdulillah, the Phonology Test was not that hard, next Tuesday, another test would commence =D
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Kehidupan, Kehidupan Kampus
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Woke up early this morning to a wet rained yet again..
Had a slight headache as the night before, I forced myself to absorb more of the Phonology notes T^T
Couldn't get a proper rest, as a result, all these gilberish nightmares came pouring in..
Had a lot on my mind lately..
My close friends always say I tend to worry too much about things I shouldn't..
Scrolled down my playlist..''CLICK CLICK''
''Shattered by Backstreet Boys''
Huh??? My fingers just moved on its own..Owh well, its better then nothing..
My head is still spinning, sipped a gulp or two of water..
Suddenly, everything clicked in my mind..maybe Im feeling a bit lazy, ok, maybe extra sluggish and lazy because Im going back this weekend..
I miss Mama
I miss Ayah
I miss Ayep
I miss Nenek
and yeahhh..I miss Suden..
Would be heading to JB this Thursday..
Hopefully it wouldn't rain that much..
Its nice to have a break with families once in a while..
The last time I saw them was during Raya, which makes it 2, 3 months back I guess..
I often wonder how it felt for the students abroad to not being able to see their partners and families that much..
It must be hard on them at first, I guess, adapting to the situations makes them stronger..
What if I was in their shoes, would I able to not my family that much?
To not miss my partner that much?
Hmm, I wonder..
Ohhh...guess what???
I already know what to talk about for my Public Speaking tomorrow..yeayyy =D
Hopefully, everything would go out as planned...
My mind is too full, to think straight..
If a person asked me their opinion at times like these, I'd surelyy stared back dumbly at them..couldn't function that properly..yes, to that extent...=)
Well, gotta start scrambling for my IEG assignment..which is also DUE by tomorrow..
Everything's due tomorrow..T^T
Well, no point in complaining huh..might as well, shut the heck up and start moving my lazy bum =D
P/S - I can't wait to go back for Raya Haji..classes and notes and Phonology and Intermediate Grammar can wait!!!! Au Revoir =D
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 9:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: Kehidupan Kampus, Rambles
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I Need A New Change Of Batteries Please
Awoken to a rainy morning..yet again..
Pulling my body away from the fluffy warmness of my comforter..
A quiet Saturday morning I might add..
Felt I've forgotten some important things..
This coming week would surely be a challenging one..
Piles of school works to be done..
And not forgetting, money constraints..
Aiiihhh...the agony..
Nevermind..I'd be home on Thursday..I'd make it somehow..
Budget-eating mode ON =D
At times like these, I'd remeber the good old days when I was still in Penang, where I was left only with RM10 in my sustain a week's eating budget..
Sounds ok right? I don't think so..
The downfall was that the only RM10 was for my gas..for Savvy-chan...sigh..
So, for the whole week, I made fried rice for lunch..switching with home made sandwiches in between them which was quite economical I might add..
You see, the main thing I'm trying to point here is, you don't need a million buckaroos to live your daily life..
Its how you live well, and spend the money..that's the main thing..
Nowadays, us tend to think money is everything..Its really saddening to think its everything..
TRUE, money buys you fine food
TRUE, money buys you nice clothes
TRUE, money buys you all the luxurious you could think of
But somehow or rather..
Money CAN'T buy happiness
Money CAN'T buy friendship
Money CAN'T buy true love
Sometimes, I just couldn't understand (I don't know if Im the only one whose naive, or even slow here, correct me if Im wrong) why us people tend to freak out if lets say you are short of money..
Wake up!!! It's not the end of the world or anything..You'll practically live..
Its only the matter how you straighten and plan out your life..
An incident happened to me recently, right in front of my eyes, where, because of money, friendship ties were severed, and end up nastily..
And I was part of it sadly..I didn't know how to react, in the end, I just left it end in an ugly manner..I don't know if it was my fault to begin with, but I felt hurt by the thoughts of because of money, the beautiful friendship was never true to begin with..
To me, you could gain money wherever you go..
But a good education, a lasting relationship, and trust among peers, is earned for a lifetime..NOT bought by money..ask anyone, I bet they'll second my thoughts..I'm no goody-two shoes, but its how I view it from experience if you might say so..
Tried to tell them though..I really did..Just because, I care and loved them..But all I got back was rude comments slapped right at my face...
Maybe to them, I was just a plain dumb, conservative person..too bad..they couldn't see things in my view..
So you see, what Im trying to say here..
Its NOT how much you have that's important, its how WELL you manage your spending to live your life..
Maybe what you have isn't as much as Bill Gates or Donald Trump..
Just be content with what you have..
Have the feeling of gratitude in you, and Im sure, you will see things differently..
Am NOT saying being poor is cool or anything..
Just be content, and grateful..that's all =D
Self indulgence is nice once a while, but too much of it, could spoil you silly, so be wise my friends =)
P/S - This is a good time to tone down all the fatties on my tummy..woo hooo =D
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bebel, Kehidupan Kampus, Rambles
Friday, November 20, 2009
Just got back from my faculty..
Found out the supposedly Phonolgy test that was supposed to commence at 10.30am was postphoned to Monday..
My God!!!
The agony I was in was unbearable..
Just imagine, studying like mad cows for 3 days straight, absorbing all the terms and transcriptions, and not forgetting the diagrams..then, in the end...CANCELLED T^T
Wow..what a day..
And on next Monday itself, I got a Public Speaking presentation for my LSS class and handing up my IEG Noun Clause assignment..
And to add up the misery..the Phonolgy test, before the Public Speaking presentation..
Nice combo man @__@
Looking at the bright side of it, I guess, I have extra time to study more..
Well, looking at my reflection at mirror just now, I noticed my eyes are beginning to resemble of somewhat of a panda =D
Essential resting and snoring is on the list for today's menu..
Books, can wait..hahahaha =D
Luckily, the sun is up and shining..for now, that is...
Nice weather to be all warm and lazy..
Can't wait to be back home next Thursday..
Miss everyone..especially Suden, my beloved cat..
Until then..
P/S - Get well soon Suden!!! Don't forget to eat your meds =D
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 11:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bebel, Kehidupan Kampus, Rambles
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Oh My God!!! We Are Flooding!!!!!
Its raining yet again...
Morning, it would be all nice, hot and shining..
Afternoons till nightime would be a mix between either thunderstorms, blizzard or even winds..
Thank God, there aren't hail stones or tornados bashing the campus area =D
Usually the attire at night would be sweaters and track suit pants..
No more skimpy tops or shorts..hahaha =D
Everyone seems to be sluggish and soo lazy to attend noon classes that would be raining..
As Im posting this, its raining cats and dogs outside, with thunder and lightning (and yet, Im still in front of my lappy..aiiihh)
Phonology class that was postphone to 5pm seems soo farfetched to be attended..
Have to!!!!! Im not that good in Phonolgy..Cannot go lazy-lazy...
My eyes are getting heavier..ohh..the condition is so nice to sleep in..
Setting the time at 4pm, so I won't miss class...
Non-slip slippers...check
Yesterday, my house was nearly flooded..the pipes were clogged, so it seems..
Retreating to bed now..until then =D
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 2:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Kehidupan Kampus, Rambles
Monday, November 16, 2009
Vain Vain
Deshmit!! T^T
How I hate lightning..scared the living daylights out of me..
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: Kehidupan Kampus, Rambles
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Kehidupan Kampus, Rambles
Friday, November 6, 2009
Shit Happens
So, here I am again..Posting up after abandoning my blog for quite some time..
Not that I don't have anything to write about..But I guess, I THINK I could handle all the measly stuff on my own..
Been a bit busy these couple of weeks..with reading materials, reviews and constant paper works..Not that Im complaining, cause I really wholeheartedly enjoyed doing them..
These couple of days, Ive been really irritated and annoyed at the same time with a couple of colleagues of mine..It starts as a small speck of problem, getting worse everyday unattended..
Frankly speaking, its taking a toll of me..
From downright everything..
Be it friendship, relationship and so on..
Yes, I am no GOD, I am no SAINT, and Im just human..
What irks me the most in my entire lifespan, is NOT the fact that I am plain dumb when it comes to shopping, or even NOT the fact that I am NOT that smart when it comes to figures...
Want to give it a guess??? Yes? No?
Well...Scroll on down then..
1. I LOATHE..yes..not HATE people..LOATHE..when people (am using general terms here, so, go figure) when you make all these lame excuses up to my face and thinking Im dumb..
HELLLLOOOOO!!!! Do I look like a blond bloke to you? Im sorry if you think I am...
Moving on..
2. I LOATHE...again, strong think-youre-sooooo-good-of a-people makes empty promises and breaking them in the end...
Ohooo...Is that a fun thing to do I wonder..making promises here and there and thinking I won't remember each and single one of them..Ohhhh youre sooo dead wrong..
I dont mind..let me empasize that, I DON'T FUC**ING MIND if you can't do the things that you think could make me happy..Im contented with what I have...I really don't mind..and when I say I DON'T MIND, I REALLY DON'T!!!!...
Why have to make promises to me...
Its painful, everytime, you keep making promises and promises and promises...*sigh*..
Moving on again..
3. It ANNOYS the living daily lights of me when you screech, wail like a banshee and curse all the time!!!..
Deshmit!!! I'll get deaf before I'm 23...where's your fucking manners la????
Don't your parents educate you well enough????
I DON'T GIVE A HOOT, if you would think Im a skema or so on..
Go blab somewhere else..
Im NOT saying IM TOO GOOD myself..or TOO PERFECT on everything..I admit that..but I try HARD to improve everything me a perfectionist if you want to..I don't give a damn..
I can say soo much but yet, I can't do a thing about it..
If I CAN sacrifice my time and everything to prioritize what's FAR important..why can't you???
Is it that so important to abandon your responsibilities??? Grow up..please!!!!
I think Ive said that much, its suffocating, am heading to MMU now...
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 7:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bebel, Emosi, Kehidupan Kampus
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Happy Raya Y'all
=> We ate buffet in Alamanda, Domino's pizza, stalls, bazaar food., junk food.I swear to god...Im getting fat by just staying there..these guys really know how to hunt good food..Honest!!
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
Am currently setting up an online shop a.k.a blogshop to clear out my closet..
Mama's freaking out cause my wardrobe is JAM-PACKED with sweaters, not-worn tops and etc..etc..
She freaked out real BAD!!!
''Qla!!!! Don't you dare buy another piece of top unless you clear out your wardrobe!!! Ya hear me!!!''
Im soo, toast T^T..
Yesh, I have the tendency or habit I might add, buying new, adorable, girlish clothes and NOT wear them..
Yet, I still wore the SAME old, BLACK top/shirt/whatever sweaters I could find..
Not my fault...They are just sooooooooooooo comfy to wear..
Aiihhh...I'll be damned..>_<
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 12:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Rambles
Saturday, September 5, 2009
If Only You Knew, Would You Care
I was waaaayyy too busy with presentations, sleeping in between classes and struggling for multiple tests..
As finals is just 3 days around the corner, it didn't make things easier for me..
Just came back recently from JB due to a week of study week..
Yet, I came back to campus earlier..
Decided to have my last minute struggle in campus rather than at my own comfort of home..
*as if I'll be mugging my ass out in front of the ohhh-so-speedy internet connection lappy*
These past few days, had been one roller coaster emotional ride for me..Realizing things and accepting them without the heart to do so..The pain was very very intense..
It really felt like I was stabbed in the ___________

Catatan Aqilah Norain at 8:25 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Idiotic Fckerama
Yahhh..of all the days in the world..It had to rain today...No wonder it was damn effing hot last night..I literally have baggy eyes, black panda eyes..Even the pandas would recognize me as one of their own kind..Yahhh..that bad =____=
I slept in earlier than usual, had a midnight call, and when it ended, I was frantically trying to close my eyes shut...But it was pointless...
You see, I have this extraordinary, extremely high imagination..seeing so-called monsters from cupboards and even creeping under the desks..Yes, bad huh??
It all started when I kept on tossing and turning like mad on my 'fluffy' hostel bed..Grabbed my phone..
'' 3.30am ''
Tossed it away, shut my eyes...
Opened my eyes, grab the phone again..after thinking a couple of hours had passed
'' 3.45am ''
After trying, and trying, I fell asleep...Just because I saw the full moon which was red, and big, and round and yeahh...I scared the heck out of myself for no apparent reason..(hello, it was bloodshot red ok..really freaky)
And now, Im 5 minutes away from the-so called test..Im practically screwed..
Haven't read a single thing...Im just too effing lazy...Aiiiihhh..I'll be doomed if this continues..
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 1:52 PM 1 comments
Labels: Kehidupan Kampus, Rambles
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Everybody has a private world, where they can be alone
Are you calling me? Are you trying to get through?
Are you reaching out for me? I'm reaching out for you
I'm just so fucking depressed, I just can't seem to get out this slump
If I could just get over this hump, but I need something to pull me out this dump
I took my bruises, took my lumps, fell down and I got right back up
But I need that spark to get psyched back up, in order for me to pick the mic back up
I don't know how or why or when I ended up in this position I'm in
I'm starting to feel distant again, so I decided just to pick this pen
Up and try to make an attempt to vent but I just can't admit or come to grips
With the fact that I may be done with rap, I need a new outlet
And I know some shit so hard to swallow, but I just can't sit back and wallow
In my own sorrow, but I know one fact
One tough act to follow
Here today, gone tomorrow, but you'd have to walk a thousand miles
But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful
They can all get fucked, just stay true to you
I think I'm starting to lose my sense of humour, everything's so tense and gloom, I
Almost feel like I got to check the temperature of the room just as soon as
I walk in, it's like all eyes on me, and so I try to avoid any eye contact
Cause if I do that, then it opens the door for conversation, like I want that
I'm not looking for extra attention, I just wanna be just like you
Blend in with the rest of the room, maybe just point me to the closest restroom
I don't need no fucking man servant, trying follow me around and wipe my ass
And laugh at every single joke I crack and half of 'em ain't even funny like "Hah!
You're so funny man you should be a comedian, God damn"
Unfortunately I am, I just hide behind the tears of a clown
So why don't you all sit down, listen to the tale I'm about to tell
Hell, we don't gotta trade our shoes, and you ain't gotta walk no thousand miles.
Nobody asked for life to deal us what these bullshit hands we're dealt
We gotta take these cards ourselves, and flip them, don't expect no help
Now I could of either just sat on my ass and pissed and moaned
Or take this situation in which I'm placed, and get up and get my own
I was never the type of kid to wait by the door and pack his bags
Or sat on the porch and hoped and pray for a dad to show up who never did
I just wanted to fit in, every single place, every school I went
I dreamed of being that cool kid, even if it meant acting stupid
I learned my lesson then, cause I wasn't trying to impress my friends no more
But I already told you my whole life story, not just based on my description
Cause where you see it, from where you're sitting, it's probably a hundred and ten percent different
I guess we would have to walk a mile in each other's shoes at least
What size you wear? I wear tens, let's see if you could fit your feet...
In my shoes, just to see, what it's like to be me
I'll be you, let's trade shoes, just to see what it'd be like to
Feel your pain, you feel mine, go inside each other's minds
Just to see what we'd find, look at shit through each other's eyes
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 3:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: Scribbles
Monday, August 3, 2009
Emotionally Tired
Sometimes, when I sit back, and take deep breaths in between..something seems, feels...
You might start asking me all those W.H questions by the time Im done with this post..
But frankly speaking, I, myself, don't have the answers..
I have to admit, I have basically in, my basic needs are fulfilled, I have loyal buddies, a great family, and yeah, a lovable partner..
But somehow, amidst everything, I still feel..HOLLOW..
I wonder why...Hummm...
Im having fun with my life..
Im obviously happy..
My studies doing pretty fine...
Relationship is still stabil..
So why..I wonder why...
Sometimes, at one point of my life, I stopped searching..
Frankly speaking, getting beaten up physically by a bunch of crooks is waaay much better then searching for something that you won't even know its there by the time you reach the end of the tunnel..
Its tiring...But hey, who am I to complain..
Someone told me to stop thinking about other people's needs, and instead, learn to be selfish once in a while..
Me? Be selfish? Yeah...tried that a couple of times..And ended up hurting people I care..Way to go~
Better go grab a ''How To Be Selfish for Dummies'' in MPH or something..
As Im posting this up, am thinking of 'ponteng' a class..Don't feel like going..
So, I'll just ignore the class and sleep..Better of that way..
Well, good luck to me..
And to my girl, Nadt, be strong, shit happens in our lives..It ain't a pretty sight, but at least, its no fake..Live with it..And you'll be fine...
Until then, im proud of what I am, and I aint give a shit if people thinks low of me cause Im beautiful the way I am >_<
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Rambles