Semalam aku tumpang tidor rumah Wanie, lepas hantar die balik Balik Pulau..Ye laahh, takkan lah aku nak bagi die balik sendiri kot..Punye la sesak jalan nak menghale ke jambatan..Kat situ je dah 2 jam aku sangkut..Nasib dah isik minyak sebelom bertolak..Aku dah agak dah..Ye laaah...petang nak Krismas kan..Mestilah smue yang nak menyambot berpusu last minute shopping, dengan yang nak pegi clubbing lagi..
Lepas saje jambatan aku dah tarik nafas ke? Aku silap besar laaahhh...Oh ye..aku angkot Suden sekali...hahaha..macam bawak anak ke hulu laah, takkan aku nak tinggal die kat rumah..sape nak bagi die makan minom..
Aku tatao sangat jalan nak menghale ke Balik Pulau jadi, Wanie kecoh lah mengajar aku..hahaha..sampai je jalan nak masok (okey, lebih kepade naik laa) Balik Pulau, aku dah mengucap panjang..
Gile laaaaa...curam habis bukit die...45 darjah sampai kot..terok jugak aku tekan minyak kerete..sian Apple-chan...aku tengok RPM kerete dah nak sampai 4..aku dah gelabah..
Tak pernah samai 4..punye la curam bukit...aku bawak cepat2, bace doa banyak2 dan naseb baek sampai jugak rumah Wanie..huuuu..lege~..
Sampai je rumah Wanie, mak ayah die sambot dengan sangat baik..diorang pon suke Suden..lege aku..rumah Wanie memang besh..suasane kampung, aku suke...dengan pokok kelapenye, dengan bintang2 penoh waktu malam..aku bukan lah jakun sebab x penah pegi kampung, tapi, memang susah nak jumpe keadaan macamtu kat JB..
Suden dah gembire golek2 atas pasir luar rumah Wanie..batak habes kucing laahh...rumah sewe aku pangsapuri, mane ade pasir sangat =)...jenoh jugak aku dengan Wanie nak kejar die masok semule rumah..hahaha..punye lah die bercinte dengan pasir tue..
Malam Krismas tue, lepas mak ayah Wanie tidor, aku dengan Wanie tengok cerite hantu kat Astro, pastu tengok AFC pulak sampai 3, 4 pagi..saje teman die tunggu call boyfriend die =)..
Esok harinye, aku kene balik semule, tapi sebelum tue, kami rancang nak pegi Queensbay Mall..
Tapi sebab ramai sangat orang, kitorang pegi Gurney Plaza..
Aku naik feri balik Mainland..tak larat nak drive..pinggang dah mintak nyawe..
Tetibe sampai saje rumah, aku dapat panggilan dari mama..
'' Mama dah kat Juru nie along ''
Argggghhhhhhhhhh...datang mengejot..mengapekah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, aku akan update kemudian hari selepas mereka pulang...
Kene pergi menyambot mereka..wahahaha
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Jalan Cari Ape?
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Wanie Yang Kelakar~
Saket perot aku gelak teguling2...
Dah lah gigi aku tengah saket..geraham baru nak tumboh..jadi bayangkan lah bile ketawe+sakit jadi ape...
Kawan aku sorang nih..Wanie namenye..telah membuat adengan yang aku tak sangke tadi..
(Perbualan sebenar yang berlaku di tempat kejadian)
Wanie : Qla, ''Im leaving on the jet plane'' tuh maksodnye ape?
Aku : Ohh..itu metafora aje..kire seseorang nak teroskan hidop die..
Wanie : Owwwhhhhh...
(Tibe2 aku teringat cerite Armageddon sebab ade satu bahagian gune lagu yang Wanie tanye)
Aku : Kau penah tengok tak cerite Armageddon tue? Sedeh weh..
Wanie : Umm..tak pernah lah (sambil buat muke blur2)
(Habis saje aku cerite...aku tengok semule Wanie, die dah berjurai2 menanges 0__0)
Aku : Weh2..apesal kau nanges pulak nie? (aku dah tahan gelak mase tanye nih)
Wanie : Uuuuhh..sedeh cerite nye...walaopon kau cerite penoh semangat..tapi sedeh laa (sambil kesat2 air mate dengan baju)
Hahahahaha..aku dah gelak tak ingat dunie..cooooooooomel betol lah kau nih Wanie =)...
Itu belom tengok lagi ceritenye..Nanti mintak Ami carik cerite Armageddon bagi kau eh sayang ^-^..
P/S - Tak pernah aku cerite dengan bersemangat orang menanges.. ^-^ Hebat ..hebat~
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 11:34 PM 1 comments
Labels: Bebel, Saat Indah, Sahabat
Monday, December 22, 2008
Naik Penerbangan Seronok?~
Ok..aku sangat letih..
Sebab itu post ini aku tulis sangaaat lewat.. 0___0
Penerbangan yang sepatutnye aku naik pukol 10.30 am KENE DELAY (wth) pukol 3.55 pm...
Memang lah kalao diikotkan seronok..dapat luang lebih mase lagi dengan keluarge, dapat sambong tidor lagi, makan banyak2..
Tapi hakikatnye, adooooii..letih sangaaaaaaaaaaat nak tunggu kat airport lame2 (aku sangat benci menunggu +_+)
Jadi, pade pukol 3pm, aku dah sampai airport, kelam kabot nak check-in (kaunter nak check-in bag tutop 45 menet sebelom belepas)..
(Di bawah adalah perbualan sebenar dengan abang kaunter yang jage Air Asia ke Penang)
Aku : Abang, kenape flight delay? (bertanye dengan penoh teruje)
Abang Air Asia : Owhhh..ade masalah teknikel sikit dengan kapal terbang (sambil pandang muke aku sengih2)
Aku : Masalah teknikel? (sambil buat muke pelik2)
Abang Air Asia : Alah...takde pape pon..tangki kapal terbang pecah (dengan muke selambe tapi bercakap perlahan)
Dulu pernah jugak kene sekali..tapi mase nak balik dari Penang ke Johor..sehari sebelom Raye Cine..
Aku DELAY kat airport Penang 6 JAM!!!! sebabnye? TAYAR KAPAL TERBANG TERCABOT..depan mate aku pulak tue..mane tak nye...kitorang dah nak naik dah -___-...kene lah tunggu..
Aku tengok, 14 penerbangan dekat JB semue delay..baik MAS, baik Air Asia..situasi yang same jugak bile aku tengok jadual penerbangan dekat Penang..ade yang sampai kene batal..kesian..
Aku pon rase semue penerbangan satu Malaysia dah haru biru sebab kapal terbang tangki pecah tue..haaaih..macamane lah diorang buat maintainance? Pelik betol...
Malas nak komen banyak2..tapi memang perjalanan sangaaaaaaat lame..Naseb baek ade orang amek..thanx dear =)
Balik rumah, buat ape yang patot, tak sampai pukol 12 am, aku dah melepek tertido..hahaha =)
Sape kate naik penerbangan tak penat? Lu memang gila..hahaha ^-^
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 11:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Kehidupan
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Kehidupan Baru~
Esok pagi, aku akan pulang ke Pulau Pinang untok menghabiskan perjuangan aku..
Ye..masih belom selesai...dan Insyaallah akan aku habiskan..
Mungkin, esok aku akan ceritekan pade mereka...
Kesudahannya? Aku tak tahu...
Aku dah redha..ape akan jadi..jadilah..berfikir banyak2 pon tak ade gunenye..
Aku cume nak ketenangan aku semula...dan lakukan yang terbaik..
Doakan aku berjaya mengahrungi semuanya..
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 3:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Kehidupan
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Ke Hadapan Semue~
Okeh2...cukop2 lah mase kecederaan/kemurongan atao pape saje istilah yang boleh di samekan..
Mase untok bangon dan tetapkan sasaran...
Penat pulak asek nak melepek atas katil dan buat2 tak tao..
Go qla go...kau leh buat punye lah..
Wahahaha ^-^
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 2:43 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
Kalau Kamu Tahu~
(Post ditulis di dalam Bahase Inggeris untok lebih penghayatan)
People always asked me ''Why do you always write about pain, hurt and anger in your posts?''
The answer? Simple...
Its the only place I could turn to..
Its the only place I could seek comfort..
It hurts..
To not be able to say things I wanted to..
I intend to get all choked up..
I have..
People I love..
People I care..
But somehow..
I couldn't reach them when I wanted to..
I let everyone down..
The pain..
I couldnt accept the facts I failed them..
Busied myself..
Ignoring the pain..
Being in denial..
Im no different from the rest..
At one point, it hurts soo bad, that I wanted to stab myself..
Just wanting the pain to go away badly..
Nobody knew..
Sometimes, I wonder..
What was I trying to prove?
Honestly, I dont know..
A dear friend once asked ''Dont you feel anything? Why are you always smiling at hard times?''
Well, cause it hurts soo bad..
Tearing me apart inside..
I could only smile..
Hoping the pain would go away..
I guess..
Im at my turning point of my life..
To choose the paths I have to take..
Its best if I just dissapear..
It wouldn't be that much of a loss to anyone right?..
Nadt had finally fulfilled her dreams..
Teha has a supportive family..
Fares had proved his worthiness to himself...
Wanie has a loving and supportive guy..
Zunnur had finally redeemed himself..
Encik Bob got to further his career..
Pqa had been finally doing what she wanted most..
Ayep has a great school-life..
Mama and Ayah are doing great at work..
Nenek has good business these days..
What more could I ask for?
They're happy..
Im happy..
I envy them..
And yes, Im perfectly feeling blissfully happy for them..
Cause people I loved most, I cared most are happy..
Would they forgive me?
For dissapearing..
Leaving them behind?..
Reaching out..
Isnt easy..
Tried a few couple of times..
Seems like it went unanswered..
If you care for someone..
Dont expect them to give back the same gesture you did for them..
Just be content the feeling grew in your heart..
That's what I learned..
I try hard not to complain..
Just taking it in..
I'll just have to improve myself..
Turning a new leaf?..
With no one..
Just maybe, that would work..
Im sorry I let you down..
Im sorry I lied to you..
Im sorry I mothered you around..
Im sorry I nagged at you..
Im sorry I missed you frequently..
Im sorry I made you angry..
Im sorry Im clueless..
Im sorry I argue with you..
Im sorry I cared for you..
Im sorry I stood beside you..
Im sorry I made decisions for you..
Im sorry I hugged you..
Im sorry I kissed you..
Im sorry I loved you..
P/S - Wonder who could give me a loving hug? Need that badly =(
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 3:00 AM 3 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Deeper Converstaion~
Is your favourite colour blue?
Do you always tell the truth?
Do you believe in outerspace?
And im learning you..
Is your skin as tanned as mine?
Does your hair flow sideways?
Did someone took a portion of your heart?
And im learning you ..
And if you dont mind
Can you tell me
All your hopes and fears and
Everything that you believe in
Would you make a difference in the world
I’d love for you to take me to a deeper conversation
Only you can make me..
I let my guard down for you
And in time you will too..
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 12:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bebel
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Cinta Is Love~
1.Have you ever been in love?
= Duh...of course~
2.How do you know its love?
= My palm starts to sweat and my heart feels like its going 2 explode..fuyoo~
3.What makes you fall?
= Umm..I fall regularly..hahaha..hobby =)~
4.What if your girlfriend/boyfriend is a bad kisser?
= Dont care..still love him~
5.What turns you on (at 1st sight)?
= The way he smiles and acts sincerely~
6.Are you the jealous type?
= Mediocre..If im jealous, I'll ask him nicely, not visciously like a predator..haha~
7.Body or brains?
= body no brains? a goner la~
8.Do looks matter?
= Hey, I'd be lying if I say I like ugly..the point is, as long he's clean and well attired..thats enuff~
9.What turns you off?
= When he thinks he's soo damn smart and Im a bimbo with no brains..sick la~
10.The perfect date?
= Hanging out at the beach, a gig, or maybe just sitting together with ice cream~
12.Do you still believe in courtship?
= Somehow..yes..hahaha..Im an old tard~
13.Flowers or chocolates?
= Chocolates..white chocolates..not too them to death =)~
14.Kiss on the first date?
= On the cheek? Forehead? Humm..humm~
15.Sex on the first date?
= Im no whore..get it?~
16.What would you do if you find out that your girlfriend/boyfriend is cheating on you?
= Play along and see how the story no drama queen =)~
17.Have you ever cheated on someone?
= Never..can't bear myself to do so~
18.Fling or long term relationship?
= Fling? No way..~
19.What do you think of holding hands in public?
= Sweet and cute~
20.What do you think of kissing in public?
= Its not appropriate meh..I it somewhere else..this is Malaysia for crying out loud~
21.What if your girlfriend/boyfriend is a smoker?
= He's big enuff to not going to brag about it~
22.Ever fell in love with your girlfriend?
= Love as in sisterly? Yes? Im straight ok =)
23.What would a girl/guy have to do to win your heart?
= Sincere, honest, loyal..easy right? =)
24.Love song?
= Umm..Deeper Conversation by Yuna..has a very deep meaning to the song =)~
25.Sad love song?
= Sacred by Tokio Hotel..the words are soo tragic =(~
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 12:39 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Hari ini, posting akan di dalam, live with it~
Guys hate sluts even though
they have sex with them!
(oh’re not "popular" if
you’ve slept with more than 6’re a WHORE)
–Guys may be flirting around all day
but before they go to sleep, they
always think about the girl they truly
care about.
–Guys go crazy over a girl’s smile.
–Guys will do anything just to get
you to notice him
–Guys hate it when you talk about
your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest.
–Boyfriends need to be reassured
often that they’re still loved.
–Don’t talk about your guy friends to
your boyfriend.
–Guys get jealous easily.
–Guys are more emotional than they’d
like people to think.
–Giving a guy a hanging message
like "You know
what?!..uh…nevermind.." would make
him jump to a conclusion that is far
from what you are thinking. And he’ll
assume he did something wrong and
he’ll obsess about it trying to figure
it out.
–Guys are good flatterers when
courting but they usually stammer when
they talk to a girl they really like.
–A usual act that proves that the guy
likes you is when he teases you.
–Guys love you more than you love
them if they are serious in your
–Guys think WAY too much. One small
thing a girl does, even if she doesn’t
notice it can make the guy think about
it for hours, trying to figure out
what it meant.
–Guys seek for advice from girls not
other guys. Because most guys think
alike, so if one guy’s confused, then
we’re all confused.
–When a guy asks you to leave him
alone, he’s just actually
saying, "Please come and listen to me."
–If a guy starts to talk seriously,
listen to him. It doesn’t happen that
often, so when it does, you know
something’s up.
–If your best guy friend seems to
avoid you or is never around when
you’re with your boyfriend, he’s
probably jealous and likes you.
–When a guy tells you that you are
beautiful, don’t say you aren’t. It
makes them want to stop telling you
because they don’t want you to
disagree with them.
–When a guy looks at you for longer
than a second, he’s definitely
thinking something.
–Guys don’t like girls who punch
harder than they do.
–A guy has more problems than you can
see with your naked eyes.
–Don’t be a snob. Guys can be
intimidated and give up easily.
–Guys talk about girls more than
girls talk about guys.
–Guys hate rejection, but they hate
being led on even more.
–If you are going to reject a guy,
just do it. Don’t say they are like a
brother or just good friends, it just
hurts even more. Tell them that you
aren’t interested in a relationship
and they will respect you.
–Guys really think that girls are
strange and have unpredictable
decisions and are MAD confusing but
somehow are drawn even more to them.
–When a guy sacrifices his sleep and
health just to be with you, he really
likes you and wants to be with you as
much as possible.
So? What do you think?
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 3:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bebel
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Perghhh...aku baru sahaje pulang dari ambil adik aku, Pqa dari MMU Cyberjaya...
Sebab fakulti die agak cetek pikiran untok buat midterm pade malam jumaat, adik aku tiade bas mahu pulang ke rumah untok sambot raye haji..
Jadi, pade pkol 5 pagi, aku bertolak keluar rumah, dan sampai di sane dalam pukol 12 tengahari..agak lewat sebab berheti makan sarapan dan tidor2..
Selepas ambil die, teros patah balik Jb...sebab tidak mahu buang mase..
Agak nak patah jugak pinggang bawak kerete..
Aisshhh...ini kalao kate aku tak sayang jugak kat kau, aku memang sekeh2 kepale kau..hahaha =)
Tak ape..yang penting semue selamat...
Welcome home Pqa...
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: Kehidupan
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
2, 3 hari kebelakangan asik hujan memanjang....tensen aku..tatao nak tulis ape..
Tengah memikirkan nak tulis post dalam english melayu?
Humm...humm..ade idea tak?
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bebel
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Karangan Aku~
The downfall of someone..
Doesnt mean the end of her..
It might be the rebirth..
It might be the death of her..
As she stood on the cliff of her life..
She stared sky up to the blank pages of her life..
She watched him go by past her..
Turning around..
She was only greeted by his back..
Walking away..
The girl wanted to cry..
Wanted to scream..
Wanted to runaway...
Wanted to breakdown..
But she's unwilling to do so..
Because, she knows, people that cares..
Would be sad because of her..
Would cry because her..
So, she puts up a brave front..
Do silly things..
Tells stupid jokes..
And smiles widely for them..
As her life starts to crumble..
The girl stood silently..
Watching her life fall apart..
What would she do?
Too much chaos in her life..
The girl just stood there..
Too frightened to look back..
Too scared to move on..
Will her decisions backfire again this time?
She won't know..
She wouldn't know..
Unless she decides to get through it..
Or runaway..
As the pieces of rubbles falls onto her..
She decides not to runaway...
As it hits her..
Tears streams down her face..
Blood oozes from her bleeding heart..
Trying to seek some sort of calmness from all of it..
And she snaps into reality..
Dusting herself up..
She decides to walk on..
Moving on with her life..
The bruises will heal..
The pain will go away..
But the scars would be there with her..
As a reminder of her actions..
She walks towards the light..
Smiling to herself..
The decision she chooses..
The consequences she would face..
Everything's going to be alright..
The downfall of her..
Seems to be the birth of her new self..
She had found her peace..
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 2:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: Kehidupan
Monday, December 1, 2008
Tag Bersama
Kene tag dengan Nadt
The last person to tag you was ?
= Nadt
2. Your relationship with him/her ?
= Housemate, best friend, crime partner
3.Your 5 impressions towards him/her ?
= Protective
= Loyal
= Easy going
= Trust worthy
= Kind
4. The most memorable thing that he/she has ever done for you ?
= Menggile bersame2...lalalala~
5. The most memorable words that he/she has said to you ?
= Oii bongok, jom makan..hahahaha~
6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will...
= Lemaskan diri dalam laut..hahahaha~
7. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...
= Tidak mungkin kot..hehehehe~
8. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on....
= Umm...I dunno
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
= Dunie mau kiamat lah~
10. The most desirable things to do for him/her are..
= Be her best friend~
11. Overall impression towards him/her is...
= Gile habis~
12. How do you think the people around you will feel about you ?
= Cool lah kot..hahaha~
13. Who is your ideal ?
= My mama~
14 What do you hate about yourself ?
= Terlalu blur2..ahahaha~
15. For the people who care for you and like you
= Terime aku seadenye okeh~
16. People to tag answer:
= Husna
Catatan Aqilah Norain at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tag